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This site uses Unicode; a separate page offers guidance on the fonts we use.
Articles from print publications should follow standard scholarly formats. For lexeme entries available from this site, whether as PDFs or online articles, we recommend using the following citation format:
J.K. Aitken, “שְׁבִיל”. Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database, online edition. [Accessed 01 September 2014] <>.
There is a facility for discussion of lexeme entries, but this is available only to project members. If you wish to contribute a comment on any of the lexemes treated in the Database, please use the Contact form. All such submissions should be fully identified with “real” names, and are subject to moderation.
Dokuwiki includes a built-in search function, but it only searches content saved in the wiki-system itself. Material held off-site, and the PDFs of the Project Minutes and lexemes are not searchable via this facility. At the moment, most of the lexeme articles are available only in PDFs when online (otherwise, in print publications), but the amount of searchable content will be increasing in future.
The search field is in the upper-right corner of the browser window, with the mangifying-glass icon. Wrap search terms in Hebrew in quotation marks, so "בְּרָכָה"
rather than בְּרָכָה
. Use the asterisk character, *
, as a “wildcard” for fuzzy searches.
Filenames used for lexeme entries, whether online or PDF, appear in this form:
The various elements are:
= three letter code from the Lexical Index (see below);shebil
= simple transliteration of lexeme;aitken-j
= author identifier, surname-initial;cam
= three letter code for centre where the entry was produced;1999
= the year of initial publication;_
= space.The unique three letter code prefixed to the filename is keyed to BDB, and comes from the Hebrew Lexicon XML files that are part of the OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible project.
The LexicalIndex.xml file is “meeting place of BDB, Strong and the TWOT numbers”, and its node IDs for each entry provide a simple means for a “natural” alpha-sort on the lexeme files in our database. We have provided a basic search tool for LexicalIndex.xml which can be used to get simple information about a given lexeme, including its unique three letter code.
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