Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database

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SAHD Article Structure

Each entry describes one lexeme from the vocabulary of classical Hebrew. Note: the A, B paragraph system used throughout is described explicitly in the first two occurrences, and thereafter referred to simply as A / B paragraphs.

  • LEXEME: is the [Hebrew] headword for the article, described in the following standard sections:
    • Introduction - sets out the basic information and range of evidence for the given lexeme:
      • Grammatical Type: noun (gender), verb, etc.
      • Occurrences: list of all known.
      • Text Doubtful: contested or problematic (e.g. reconstructed in epigraphic texts) occurrences. May include discussion in successive numbered paragraphs
        • A: aspects deemed plausible or positive;
        • B: aspects considered implausible or unlikely.
      • Qere/Ketiv: listing of cases where the Masoretes give a different reading tradition for the written text.
    • Root and comparative material: comparative Semitic evidence and etymology discussed in successive numbered paragraphs
      • A: aspects deemed plausible or positive;
      • B: aspects considered implausible or unlikely.
    • Formal characteristics: morphological characteristics of lexeme listed and described under A / B paragraphs.
    • Syntagmatics: analysis of the lexeme in its syntactic relationships, recorded in A / B paragraphs.
    • Versions: translation equivalents in:
      • Greek (Septuagint)
      • Aramaic (Targumim)
      • Syriac (Peshitta)
      • Latin (Vulgate)
        (Discussion included in A / B paragraphs.)
    • Lexical/semantic fields: semantically related terms listed/discussed in A / B paragraphs.
    • Exegesis: discussion of the lexeme in specific literary contexts; this section has also been used by contributors to include artefactual and architectural evidence; in A / B paragraphs.
    • Conclusions: main conclusions in A / B paragraphs.
    • Bibliography: works cited, listed according to the Chicago B style (author/date).
    • Author attribution: Gives name of author, institutional affiliation, and date of draft.

XML Schema

The structure described above is realized in the following XML schema (with “sample data” at one or two points for clarity):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lexeme entry="אבג" id="xxx">
        <grammatical_type>n m.</grammatical_type>
                    <occ>Gn 3.12</occ>
                    <occ>Ex 2.2</occ>
                    <occ>4Q54 6,9</occ>
                <source>Sir, Ep</source>
            <A>A.1 A matter for discussion...</A>
            <A>A.2 A second item for discussion...</A>
            <B>B.1 A suggestion noted, to be rejected...</B>
        <name>Author Name</name>
        <institution>University of Place</institution>
        <date_of_draft>Month 20yy</date_of_draft>
info/article-structure.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/12 10:05 by admin